Public Profile

Original Miku DNS

member since July 07, 2011


My full name isOriginal Miku: Do not steal. The Duck won't let me fit it in though, so my name is stuck like this. :c If you are an admin and are reading this, PLEASE CHANGE IT! It would make the website sooo much better i'm sure everyone would agree!
So anyway, I do a Pokemon comic with my friends. I can't draw very good, but they help a lot! I am learning anime though, and have brought some How to draw Manga books so hopefully I can join in drawing soon! My Pokemon is a Mew, it's so old school isn't it? I like the old Pokemon the best, the first 150 are the best ones! So my fave game is Pokemon Crystal, it's so awesome and they butchered it in the remakes! It's horrible! Oh yeah Silver was my childhood crush uguu <3 But the best looking guy in Unova has to be Cilan. Seriously you can invite him over to “cook me a meal” if you know what I mean. ;)
((If you can't tell, this profile and messages from this character are mostly “in character” as a Mary Sue. As is typical in roleplaying, comments in double-brackets = out of character serious business time.))

Comics By Original Miku DNS

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Comics Assisted By Original Miku DNS

  • Parody |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: Aug. 20 2011 |
  • 1 like
Somewhere in Unova, three Mary-Sue characters appear, and begin on their own Pokemon journey. Thankfully, this webcomic is about every character except them!

Comics Recomended By Original Miku DNS

No recommended comics.

Original Miku DNS's friends

  • Scene_y Bopper
  • Kawaii U

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Original Miku DNS

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